Thursday, June 12, 2008


This is my blog, for those who are interested, bored or lost, feel free to stay awhile. For Your Thoughts, its short for "A penny for your thoughts." However, most people's opinions are more valuable than that so you may put any value on "your thoughts" as you like. I am interested to hear them.

It may take some time, but I will eventually get some things of interest on here. Poems, short stories, my rants and general opinions, good stuff. However, please don't leave a comment if your intending to ostracize me. This is a mature blog for mature readers.


Kayte said...

hahaha did i make you realize the flaw of that phrase?

Da Joker said...

haha yep

Kayte said...

lol but You arent mature :D hahaha im the only one you would even consider tolerating that from.