Sunday, June 22, 2008

If you thought reality tv was stupid...

The Japanese are worse (these guys might actually be Chinese but i doubt it). This is basically their main source of entertainment. While its funny as hell, theres nothing to think about with it. Is their society just work, distract yourself, sleep? They have better education systems according to the tests. They put out alot more in tech than most of the world. So do they just blow their brains out at work and then come home for some mindless entertainment? What kind of life is that?

But hey, American entertainment isn't always mind provoking. True, but look at what IS mind provoking in U.S. entertainment. Almost all old shows. Jeopardy, Wheel of Fortune, etc. While newer shows are mostly just mind numbing bores. Take MTV for example. It used to be MUSIC television. Now they might as well call it SBTV, Spoilt Brat Television, home of the OC, where the only thing you have to worry about is if you look hot or not. But hey, atleast the Japs have one thing right, guys trying to get through holes is funny.

See it here:

Edit: Yet again, a youtube video I like has been deleted only a few days after I found it... but if youve seen a Japanese gameshow, you know what im talking about. They are kind of like a gay (I mean that with every sense of the word) anime version of American Gladiator... which I hate. I was expecting REAL gladiator battles but yet again, the media disappoints me.

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